5 Juin 2022
... Hi Pam, hi Sam. I never thought i'd write to you but here it is, a letter for you. And for Max, Frankie, Duke, Phyllis, Marion, Rich and all your friends. You know, it took me a while before i started to watch the fifth season of Better Things. I hesitated for a very long time, a few months since was available here in France. You know why? During the four seasons, il felt like i discovered a new family, new friends, a new home and i wished many times i could have been around with all of you, guys. Of course, you don't know me. I'm just a french dad, almost your age.
First, i'd like to say "i love you". Just like you say too in that final episode. Really. I love you, your thoughts, your way of life, your philosophy, though we are separated by an ocean. I love your freedom of speech, the way you think the world, the way you gather people around a good table. How many times i hoped to be there, share your food (which looks delicious, even the bortsch) and have some time to chat with all of you? Lots. In almost every episode. But now, i'm sad. Sad because all of this ended, because Better Things is over even if i can watch it again. Which i will probably do, as you read again one of your favourite books, as you watch again one of your favourite movies, as you listen again and again one of your favourite albums (yeah, i'm old, i'm listening to albums, not only songs). Second, i'd like to tell you that if ever you come one of these days to France, you'll have a place to have a nice dinner, a delicious glass of wine (not your Californian crap, real wine) for you, your family (even virtual) and your friends. You're part of the family now, part of my life, part of my mind. So these few lines are here to thank you giving so much even if you don't know me. Thanks to Louis too, an important part of Better Things, thanks for giving so much love, hope, smiles to a perfect stranger. That's the bright side of life and i'm always looking forward to it. As you do. And for all my readers (oui, vous, mes lecteurs), watch Better things (regardez la série Better Things), you won't lose any time and will gain some life. And a family. And new friends. Thank you again Pam and Sam. I love you.